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الشركة المصرية العالمية للتصدير - ايجينتكس

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حصلت .Allbiz على المعلومات عن طريق !Allbiz اشكرك على شراءك على



الشركة المصرية العالمية للتصدير - ايجينتكس

EGINTEX هي شركة كبيرة لديها تصدير متخصصة لأكثر من ثلاثين عاما في مجال إنتاج وتجهيز الجودة الزراعية الأعلى الأعشاب والمنتجات والتوابل. وكان الهدف EGINTEX وعندما بدأ في أوائل 1970s ، لتصدير وترويج المنتجات الزراعية والسلع المصرية في الأسواق الخارجية المختلفة. اليوم، لدينا اتصالات مع مزارعي رائع للمنتجات الزراعية في مصر ، ومجهزة تجهيزا جيدا مصانع التجهيز، والموظفين تعليما جيدا، يمكننا أن نقدم لعملائنا مع منتجات عالية الجودة وخدمات جيدة.
المنتجات والخدمات
 Onions are available in yellow, red and white throughout their season, March through August. Fresh onions can be identified by their thin, light-colored skin. Because they have a higher water content, they are typically sweeter and milder than storage onions. This higher water content also makes...
المجموعة: البصل
Garlic was worshipped by the ancient Egyptians, chewed by Greek Olympian atheletes and thought to be essential for keeping vampires at bay! But it is also good for zapping bacteria, keeping your heart healthy and warding off coughs and colds. its also used in the following areas: Antibacterial,...
المجموعة: الثوم
 Oranges are primarily eaten fresh or prepared as frozen juice concentrate. The byproducts of juice making (the pulp, rind and seed) are utilized for cattle feed and molasses (for alcohol or feed) as well as flavorings, perfumes, pharmaceuticals and soap. The extracts of rinds and seeds include...
المجموعة: البرتقال
Wet Dates
Dates are a great natural treatment for physical weaknesses, anemia, constipation, neurosis, night blindness, protection against stomach ulcers, liver complaints, jaundice and body dryness. they also contribute to the healthier formation of bones and teeth 
المجموعة: التمر
Sorghum (Serghum Vulgare), is the fifth major cereal crop in the world after wheat, rice, maize and barley. It is also grown in developed nations for animal feed. An annual grass that varies between 0.5 and 5.0 meters in height, sorghum produces one or several tillers, which emerge initially from...
المجموعة: ذرة بيضاء
 The Potato is one of the staple foods of modern Western Civilization. From its roots in the Andes Mountains to its domination of the farms of Idaho, the potato has been both a sustaining force and a culinary delight.
المجموعة: البطاطس
Basil ( Crushed or Fine Cut )
Basil (Ocimum Basilicum) is truly an incredible herb. It is enjoyed for its rich and spicy, mildly peppery flavor with a trace of mint and clove. Basil is an annual herb belonging to the mint family, Lamiaceae (Labiatae) and like others in this family, basil can be identified by its square, hairy...
المجموعة: ريحان
Groundnuts (In Shells or Kernels)
 Groundnuts (Arachis Hypogae) are not only an excellent cash crop, but are a very important source of protein and high-grade fat for smallholder farming areas. They grow well on light sandy soils and are an excellent rotation crop with maize and tobacco. Groundnuts are used mainly as edible nuts or...
المجموعة: فول سوداني
Henna (Leaves or Powder)
Henna (Lawsonia alba., Lythraceae) is native to a number of tropical regions in Asia, northern Africa, and Australia. Henna is best known for the ground leaves (also called henna) traditionally used to develop a orange, red, brown or black coloring to hands, feet and hair. The leaves of henna have...
المجموعة: الحناء
Dill (Top)
Dill, (Anthum Graveolens), is native to the Mediterranean area and southern Russia. Dill is a hardy annual, and sometimes is grown as a biennial. Dill is commonly used as a seasoning for soups, fish, and pickles. Its aromatic leaves, seeds, flowers, and stems can also be used to flavor cabbage,...
المجموعة: الشبت
الصادرات من المنتجات الزراعية
لدينا من دواعي سروري ان تصدير منتجاتنا الى المناطق الدولية التالية : أوروبا آسيا الشرق الأقصى (اندونيسيا، باكستان، ماليزيا، سنغافورة، فيتنام، هون كونغ) أستراليا كندا أمريكا اللاتينية أوكرانيا روسيا الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية جزيره العرب ...
المجموعة: خدمات لتنظيم عمليات التصدير


جموعة كاملة من المنتجات والخدمات الشركة المصرية العالمية للتصدير - ايجينتكس. جميع المعلومات عن الشركة المصرية العالمية للتصدير - ايجينتكس في الإسكندرية (مصر).